St. Thomas CFCBR staff training on " Laws of Growth and Self development!

St. Thomas CFCBR project conducted a staff training on " Laws of Growth and Self development" inspired by John C. Maxwell. The training was conducted by Ms. Carol T. Nauman, a capable professional & a doctoral student at Iqra University Islamabad. The following laws of growth were discussed at length:
1. Law of Intentionality
2. Law of Awareness
3. Law of Mirror
4. Law of Reflection
5. Law of Consistency
6. Law of Environment
7. Law of Pain
8. Law of Ladder
9. Law of Rubber band
10. Law of Tradeoff
11. Law of Curiosity
12. Law of Modeling
13. Law of Design
14. Law of Expansion
15. Law of Contribution
Growth gaps were also shared and thoughts for reflection given. It was an amazing teaching learning session for all.

