International Woman's Day of Prayer

The International Woman's Day of Prayer provides an opportunity for women to learn about each other and prayer for one another. It is a time to strengthen spiritual bonds. Prayers for women everywhere create a spiritual network of empathy and understanding. Although the essential purpose of the day is of prayer, the day can also provide women with an opportunity to strengthen their ties with other women as they pray together.
St. Thomas CFCBR project observed world Day of Prayer on 01 March 2019. Prayers were offered for all the women in the world, differently able children, their Parents, other communities, women and children.
All staff member of CFCBR project prayed for each other and discussed the characters of women in the Holy Book. We learnt about their lives and their contribution toward the uplift and support of the people.
Mrs. Farzana Munir was the guest who shared various characters and explained how we should live our lives as mother, daughter, daughter in law and sister according to the scriptures.