Christmas Program Arranged by St. Thomas CFCBR Project Islamabad

Christmas Program 2018 was arranged by the staff and Differently Able Children in Islamabad. In-charge St. Joseph Hospice sister Marriam and sister Khalida were the chief guest at the occasion. Differently Able children presented a tablo related to Birth of JESUS CHRIST and Sang Christmas carols joyfully. The chief guest presented the gifts to the Differently Able Children and had a special time with them and staff. Santa Claus came as a big surprise for the children. Whom they received happily and Santa Claus gave them candies sweets and balloons as Christmas gift from him. At the end Director CFCBR appreciated all the differently able children and staff at the same thanked the guest who were able to join CFCBR children. Sister Marriam in-charge St. Joseph Hospice encouraged parents and children to be happy in all situations. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from the Chief Guests, Director, Parents, Children, and staff of St. Thomas CFCBR Project Islamabad.