Stationary Distribution Among Children

St. Thomas C.B.R Project believes education is the most important tool special and normal children can receive, that can bring success in their lives. Education helps and lessens the challenges, which children will face in life. The more knowledge they gain the more opportunities will open up to allow them to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth. Education gives children knowledge of the world around them and changes it into something better. It develops in them a perspective of looking at life from various angles. It helps them to become manner full, Educated, Beautifully Grown up. Children who are ready to face the challenges of life build opinions and have points of view of their own towards life.

Professor of Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad is presenting bags
and stationary to the children of St. Thomas CBR Project along with the Director

Children and Parents are singing National Anthem along
with the chief guest and the Director St. Thomas C.B.R Project Islamabad