About Us

Rev. Emmanuel Lorraine  
Vicar and District Superintendent 
St. Thomas Church Islamabad 

Col. Retd. Azim Ilyas Coordinator L.D.B.E Contact Person of K.N.H & Director St. Thomas CFCBR Project Dr. Georgina Tabassum 

Director Dr. Georgina Tabassum & All Staff members of St. Thomas CFCBR Project 

Poverty is one of the major social issues, people in slums are unable to 

St. Thomas C.B.R project reaching out to the 11 slums providing protection to children, creating 

Poverty and household deprivation have implications for the future of the inhabitants, their 

Excess population, bad management of solid waste disposal, polluted water, and other crucial issues will challenge the future settlement conditions at the slums.

St. Thomas CFCBR Project has brought considerable changes in the 11 communities of Islamabad. The project reaches out to the children, their families, and their communities. CFCBR focuses on the social-economic issues of the underprivileged and will empower them for sustainable and 

Project Dimension

The project is functioning/covering following four areas:-

·Mother & Child Health
·Family Motivation/Support to Differently  Able Children
·Basic Education
·Community Development
·Child Rights / Protection & Sexual Abuse  

Mother and Child Care
·         The C.B.R project is taking care of the Mother and Child health through 05
Home visits are made in order to identify newborn, babies with disabilities, so that they could be provided proper health assistance.

·        Health awareness lectures are delivered in communities. The topics come are under discussion are family planning, symptoms of pregnancy, risk during pregnancy, personal hygiene, balanced diet, and nutrition, clean drinking water, hand wash, breast cancer,

·       Monthly Four awareness classes are arranged in all areaVaccines for Chicken Pox, Typhoid, Cholera, Tetanus, Cough, Malaria, Hepatitis and Polio Drops were given with the cooperation of the Directorate of Health Capital Development Authority (C.D.A) Islamabad.
·         Home visits take place on a regular basis according to the time table, by 
Care of Differently Able Children

St. Thomas C.B.R the team arranges indoor and outdoor fun activities for the differently able children. The project is providing services to 97 differently able children and making their best efforts to rehabilitate and make them productive members of society.

Basic Education

Basic education activities are taking place in different areas (formal and non-formal). The objective is to meet the basic educational needs of the children. The St. Thomas 

Community Development

St. Thomas C.B.R Project contribute towards the development of the communities by providing them opportunities to discusses and present their opinion by holding community committees meetings for both Man and Woman. i.e. helping them to have access to clean drinking water, the importance of personal Documents, National ID cards, Birth/ Death Certificates. TB patients are taken to hospitals for their check-ups, tests, and treatment. 

Discussions, Lectures, and seminar were arranged to addresses topic like Domestic Violence, Drug Addiction, Beggary, Human Rights, Mental Illness, Vocational Guidance, child protection, and Child Abuses/ rights. Communities where St. Thomas